Demo mech

The Demolition Mech, or Demo Mech as it is otherwise known, is an older type of Mech from Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. This mech serves as the first boss of the game.

Though outdated compared to the other mechs seen in the game, the Demo Mech is still a sturdy and dangerous machine. While initially designed for construction purposes, it is also a lethal combatant; its armoured body makes it tough to bring down and it delivers powerful attacks of its own using the wrecking balls on its arms.

The Demo's main method of attack is to launch its wrecking balls at distant targets or simply pummel enemies into the ground when up close. If attacked in succession, the Demo will enter a sort of "rage mode" and ferociously charge at its enemy. Monkey can use the Demo's rage against it, luring it toward weakened structures and dodging as the mech rams into a structure, causing it to collapse on top of it.
