
Groove is a member of the Autobots sub-group, the Protectobots. His role as the team's scout fits in well with his relaxed, free-spirited nature, allowing him to explore his surroundings with only minimal chance at combat. Groove is very much a pacifist and detests violence of any sort, but this attitude has a tendency to conflict with his sense of duty to the Autobot cause. Though he never shirks his responsibilities, it torments him to continue contributing to the problem instead of the solution.


  • Alt-Mode - Groove transforms into a police motorcycle. He is extremely maneuverable in this form and can reach speeds of 140 miles per hour, with a range of 800 miles.
  • Photon Pistol - Groove wields this weapon in robot mode. This gun shoots light bursts with the equivalent brightness of 5,000-watt light bulbs, enough to temporarily blind all but those whose optical sensors are the most heavily shielded.
  • Vaporator Guns - Groove carries twin vaporators in vehicle mode which shoot fine mists of various oxidizing, freezing, and corrosive liquids. The mists are emitted in a concentrated beam, so that Groove can target the vaporators on particularly vulnerable areas, such as joints and circuit connections, to disable his prey.
  • Gestalt Component - When he combines with his fellow Protectobots, Groove forms Defensor's right leg.